
Random lyrics that I like.

"And I need you like a heart needs a beat"
- One Republic "Apologize"

So I'd be lying if I said I dont listen to this song on repeat. These guys are hot, better than a boy band but still a boy band. The lyrics are ok, and I just thought this was the corniest line ever.

"Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet"
- Faber Drive "Tongue Tied"

Also another song on my playlist. This line really doesnt fit with the rest of the song...but I like it all the same.

"I wanna lock you up in my closet, when no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound"
- Avril Lavigne "Hot"

K, so the song's all about sex and is totally ridiculous. But I've been singing those first 3 lines over and over again all week. Avril Lavigne in that classy way of hers has written a song that I cant get out of my head. This song is also on my playlist...Don't judge me.

"A bit unassured, A bit insecure
And your walls fall down"
- Bedoin Soundclash "Walls Fall Down"

Listen to his voice and that fact that the lyrics to this song either suck or don't make sense doesn't matter at all. I love the way he sings every syllable.


I went for my N test this week and passed.
I was pretty psyched about life.
I drove everywhere for two days.
I also made up with a couple of friends i wasn't getting along with,
And that's always awesome.
But now the boredom has set in.
I read alot, and i looked forward all week for the gossip girl premiere.
I've read the books and it's not very similar,
But the new direction is good i guess.
My sister ever the lover of drama was totally excited about the new show.
Sarah: I'm so excited! I love this show! And all the Drama!
Michelle: Don't you have enough drama in your life Sarah?
Sarah: Michelle! I dont know anyone who's slept with their bestfriend's boyfriend!
(In a tone that indicated disappointment, of all things.)
Michelle: That's a good thing!


First Kiss

"...will I close my eyes
will I hold my breath
will I wanna cry
will our souls connect?
...gonna say now
I can picture it all,
inside my head
just how it's going to feel
but a girl can only dream so much
now she wants to make it real
- make it real..."

These are lyrics from a Mandy Moore song.
The music is catchy, yet slightly annoying.
The lyrics are corny and totally juvenile,
considering she's twenty something.
Yet it's a funny subject.
Every girl imagines their first kiss.
She obviously took it to the extreme.
Everyone remembers their first kiss.
Usually with a grimace.
They're hyped up to be incredible.
But they're usually awkward and embarrassing.
Which is probably why i laugh when i listen to this song.
Well I laugh until her voice gets whiny and I change the song.
I just thought i'd blog about it,
because i hate and like this song.
I still havent figured out what i like about it yet.


That thing when anger becomes indifference...

It's just one of those things,
One of those feelings,
That whether righteous or not,
Can't last forever.
It feels good,
It feels right,
But it's not,
So there's guilt there.
Whether expressed or not,
It lays beneath the surface,
Ready to rear it's head,
It's ugly head.
Time goes on,
Common sense prevails,
Or you simply give up.
You raise your hands,
You wave the white flag,
And you say "You win."
Suddenly the anger lessens,
And the pain increases.
But only beneath the surface,
Where no one else can see it.
No one else can feel it.
You sigh and pretend,
For their benefit,
That everything's ok.
Making them happy,
Even if you're not.
They wont know the difference,
They simply don't care.
And it's so inevitable.
When anger becomes indifference.



Earlier this evening
aka 1 minute ago
josh mills complained about a brief mention in my blog
so this one will not be so brief
Josh mills is a funny guy
With usually awesome hair...
these days....not so much
but i dont hold it against him....most of the time
he goes by the undercover name of Slothman
Together he and I Koalababe fight crime one mudshark at a time
I anticipate his next visit very much.
Hopefully this will please him
And he wont be insulted by a brief mention again
P.S I heart him x a million
no bigs.


Caitlyn left for DTES the other day...It's not real yet i dont think. If i went to church tomorow then it would be, but i think since i'm at my dad's it wont be happening. I went into NYSA yesterday and the lady there helped me think about my future. I'm thinking about nursing. I'm good with people and i really love helping people out so i think it's a good fit. Josh was a little bummed that i wont be going to the war college, but i really dont think it's the place for me. I know i would help people down there but i'll be helping people by doing this too. It pays well lol apparently alot more than i ever thought,my mom laughed at my naivity today when i asked if i'd get paid about $15an hour because to me that's alot. She laughed and said at least $30 an hour. I dont hate it. Plus there's this sweet deal that if you work in a smaller community for a year the government will forgive 20% of my student loans! That means 5 years of work in parksville or ladysmith and i'd have university paid for! It also means i can afford a car and not have to drive around in my mom's tin can on wheels. Well i'm excited about it instead of dreading growing up and that's a great feeling.


Home at last.

I'm not gonna lie, I had an incredible summer. Hung out with some of the coolest kids from various situations and made some incredible friends. i had the best VBS team in the history of the world. Jen Champ was the leader and one of the funniest people I know. Her bestfriend Chantelle Gordon was on our team too and the two of them always made things more interesting. Percy and i were in Xlr8 together but only really became good friends this summer. Jessica is crazy but an incredible person. And Tyler is my bestfriend. Our team rarely had fights and always had a good time and i think we all had a crazy shopping addiction because we went to different malls or stores every single day. Time at camp was fun too. I loved councelling and despite personailty differences between me and some of the people i councelled with, i had some great kids come through my cabin and the best LITS anyone could ever ask for. I met Josh mills who is pretty much the funniest person i've ever met. We clicked right away and are really great friends now, too bad he lives in langley... I miss camp. It represents so many great things for me. It's a place to get away and have total God time and meet incredible people. I'm home now and i'm happy to be back with my friends. I'm psyched because my friendships with Mike and Tyler grew so much stronger over the summer. I'm sad that Caitlyn is leaving but so excited about the things she's going to do down in Dtes. Molly is my angel and i didnt realise how much i missed her until i got back. She's just one of those friends who you love all of the days. My other friends have been amazing too. I've been busy hanging out since i got home. Some of them are going back to school and i guess i need to get a job until i decide what i'm doing. Not so sure what the next year or so holds for me but there's nowhere i'd rather be while i figure it out.