so soon
So yesterday we docked in new york at 9 am and were at the airport by 10ish. We took a plane back to halifax around 1 pm and ended up standing in line for customs for almost 45 minutes....it was crazy but my customs officer was cute and i made him laugh. Well we went to stacey's parent's house for dinner to celebrate ma's day. Her brother shawn cooked and man can he cook. That meal rivaled the 5 course meals on the cruise. Today i slept in....big surprise and we went shopping coz there's a old navy and my and stacey are good at shopping! well then we went to the economy shoe shop which is this cool little ecclectic restaurant and man did it ever fill us up. The shoe shop is known for it's nachos (apparently the best in halifax 10 consecutive years) and the hot guys serving! We went to the pogue for open mike night and altho i promised everyone i would sing tonight, Dion forgot to learn any songs that i know so i promised next time i'm out here. Well now we're back at jiminy's house and we're waiting for donairs (apparently a right of passage her in halifax) well thats it for now. I'm coming home soon but i wont say when. love y'all
the end
The last couple days on the boat were interesting to say the least. People took it upon themselves to achieve a state of drunkeness that totally surpassed the way they had been all week. There were people staggering, strippers (long story short, awkward) alot of food, and tanning. the entertainment was steadily terrible. There was the all in one band that played all week. They were an asian band that somehow knew every song on the planet but no real english. I wasnt into it. There was also this one man show and we assumed he'd be good.....he wasnt lol he kept talking to the audience and saying he wanted to connect with us and i was just wanting to bolt. He full had no idea that people were getting up and leaving. Well so the entertainment wasnt great....but the food and the weather sure were. Did i mention that i'm totally tanned? Well the cruise was amazing and i had a great time.
virgin islands
So i went to tortolla which was totally beautiful. turqoise water and white sand and trees and jungle everywhere! we went to the beach and we had to drive over the mountain to get to the island and the road went straight up over the mountain not around slowly. i'm talking the steepest roads you'll ever see....on a one lane road.....with two way traffick and sharp corners.....nervous. The beach was beautiful and have i mentioned i'm super tanned? well tortolla was amazing. The next day we hit St. thomas which is a american virgin island unlike tortolla which is british. Regardless they drive on the wrong side of the road in both places. The beach was weird here...it had gross little lizards called gekkos on the beach....so i tanned on a picnic table. Well the town was better where i bought all your presents well thats it for now. lots of pictures i'll show you when i get home soon. love you all
So the weather has finally calmed down. There were a couple of days where the weather was more like a hurricane but I survived…So Bermuda was beautiful and my uncle complained about the rain the whole time. It was rainy and windy which is a combination that I happen to love. There were also DOLPHINS!!!!FLIPPING DOLPHINS GUYS! They were so flipping cute. I stood out in the torrential rain just to watch them playing and got totally soaked…caaraaazzzzy!!! So we went into this old pub along the harbor and met some famous football player named Arnie something…He didn’t tell us he was famous but Stacey and I totally recognized him. The fact that they were gagillionaires also tipped us off. The guy who owned the bar was from italy and man was he a hoot! So we wandered around in the rain for a bit. And we hit the mall too….crappiest mall ever. I finaly found a bathing suit that fit and the crazy woman behind the counter tried to screw me over by switching sizes with a smaller one for a higher prices…..so I just left it…stupid lady lol. Well yesterday the weather was amazing. We ate breakfast (not gonna lie I’ve actually been eating breakfast…weird I know) then we headed upstairs and tanned on the top floor at the very back of the boat. The other two got burned….duh that’s what sunscreen is for. I have a beautiful tan. Well they have a gym on the boat and its awesome. I’m running about 2 miles a day on the treadmill and watching movies while I do it. I also have the option of looking out the window man what a view but slightly dizzying! There is also a channel that shows the view from the front of the boat! Well we arrived in Tortolla this morning and I finally get to go swimming in the Caribbean!! YAAAAYYY! Well I’m going to go now. Miss everyone like crazy…
New York. I don’t even know how to describe New York. The plane ride here sucked big time. I don’t even know how 90 minutes can take so long. But man was it ever worth it. We took a real New York taxi cab from La Guardia airport to our hotel The Marriot Financial Centre in Manhattan. Our hotel was totally swanky and crazy fancy. Red velvet everywhere and concierges and doormen. Our hotel was two blocks from Ground Zero. After getting refreshed at our amazing hotel (did I mention how amazing it was? Like 10 stars!) We went to check out ground zero and man was that a wake up call. I couldn’t understand how people could just stand around taking pictures. Well after looking around there I was pretty depressed. Right across the street is a fire station, and on the wall outside is a memorial for all those who were injured and killed in the 911 attacks who were firefighters. We went to a café right down the street and the food was delicious. That thing they say about New York delis is totally true. Amazing food for good prices.
We went to another 911 exhibit and it had a timeline for what happened in 911. There were some pictures of police officers and firefighters who were helping people out of the buildings who went back in and never came out….also very sobering.
After our time around ground zero we started up Broadway street. Probably the longest street in the world. How do I know that? We walked up Broadway for over 4 hours and didn’t reach the end. After about 4 hours and 10 miles we grabbed a taxi up to Time’s square to see some of the coolest buildings in New York. I got pictures of the Kodak theatre and the Hard rock café and the Empire State Building. We decided not to go up the ESB because lets be honest…not so good with heights or elevators.
We eventually made our way back to the hotel and wandered around the financial district til we found a restaurant on the water. It was a beautiful fancy Italian restaurant and we were really impressed with our table outside until a giant rat ran by….My uncle was so grossed out. We got a table inside and everything after that was good.
We went to another 911 exhibit and it had a timeline for what happened in 911. There were some pictures of police officers and firefighters who were helping people out of the buildings who went back in and never came out….also very sobering.
After our time around ground zero we started up Broadway street. Probably the longest street in the world. How do I know that? We walked up Broadway for over 4 hours and didn’t reach the end. After about 4 hours and 10 miles we grabbed a taxi up to Time’s square to see some of the coolest buildings in New York. I got pictures of the Kodak theatre and the Hard rock café and the Empire State Building. We decided not to go up the ESB because lets be honest…not so good with heights or elevators.
We eventually made our way back to the hotel and wandered around the financial district til we found a restaurant on the water. It was a beautiful fancy Italian restaurant and we were really impressed with our table outside until a giant rat ran by….My uncle was so grossed out. We got a table inside and everything after that was good.

Day 1 of my amazing cruise. The line up for registering wasn’t very long but once we were almost done the computer system crashed and after they finally got it up again things went smoothly. Well this ship is totally huge and I cant even believe how lost we were when we first boarded. But this place is great. It was so nice leaving the harbour. The Coast guard escorted us out of the harbor and the NYPD helicopters circled and waved it was funny. The food on this boat is amazing and the people are funny. It was the sanco de mayo party tonight which is a huge Mexican holiday I guess. There’s live music everywhere and we hit up the karaoke bar tonight and some of the people were awful, truly terrible. My uncle has a great voice apparently lol I’ve never heard him sing. He actually sounds keltic which is interesting. I was also forced to sing two songs which was terrifying. But I did well I guess, the second song the whole bar was singing along with me. The woman in charge has entered me into the talent contest at the end of the week….scary, there’s going to be so many people there that night. The karaoke bar holds only like 50 people at best but the galaxy theatre that it would be held in holds like 1000 people….yikes kind of terrified. Well apparently I’m going to the karaoke bar the next few nights to practice different songs to see which ones I do best. Well I think that’s it for now. Hope everyone’s doing well at home. All of these blogs will probably be posted at the same time because internet access is a major issue. They charge like $1 a minute so we’re going to see how we can scam the system. Ttyl you all later
So long
So sorry guys! havent been able to post in awhile. So the weather has been crap lol. last night the wind was so bad that everyone was sick. I didnt sleep coz i was so scared. The wind was called "gales" i call it "flipping hurricane" Well today we're in bermuda and its....raining lol and uncle is kinda pissed but its starting to clear up. Thought we'd stop in at a computer before we head out. Unfortunately the cruise ship charges like $1 a minute to use their computers so it might just be checking in at ports. But i am keeping up with my daily blog on my uncle's laptop and i'll download them as soon as we have a free wireless signal...possibly back in new york.....in 6 days i think. Well i miss you all like crazy! I've been trying some karaoke and the woman in charge wants me to compete in the talent show at the end of the week....which is held in a gillion person theatre.....slight exageration. Well the prize is a singing contract with the cruise line and a whole lot of cash....we'll see thats about it til i can get you all my detailed blogs but i love you and miss you and i think it's amazing that some of you *cough*molly*cough* are counting the days til i come home. Peace friends...oh yeah and no worries i do have a great tan already!
Just getting ready
So today me and stacey slept in then ran errands all day. Picked up some stuff that we forgot and tried on some bathing suits....no luck. We also just went tanning and I swear those beds are hotter and more like coffins everytime i go, but i definately do not want to burn down there. So i must apologize for my last blog. I was upset and used my only outlet so express myself. I'd delete it....but i dont know how....So i'll just apologize. Well we leave for New York tomorow and i'm totally psyched. I've always wanted to see New York. I'm sure Stacey and I will find some time to do some shopping in Manhattan. I think we're going out for dinner which should be nice but to be fair i'd totally settle for wendy's or that caeser salad mix that i have waiting for me to make in the fridge. So i've been able to talk to almost everyone since i left and for those i havent talked to yet...i love you! Well i think we might go to the pogue tonight to hear the band....i dont remember which one is playing tonight. Well i think i'm gonna download some of the pictures i've taken so far and i promise to update the pictures of the cruise as much as possible. Well this is probably my last blog til i get to New York so wish me luck! I'll try and update tomorow but we'll probably be out exploring the city. Later
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